I am not an artist, so I may not be able to post my own creations. I will try though :)
Published on December 10, 2007 By jamespaulp In Community
I just finished Call of Duty 4 on Veteran over the weekend (xbox 360). I have another 120 points remaining but some of them are darn difficult for me. I only got the game the on last Monday. I could not stop playing. It was that fun. Never before I had finished another game on the hardest difficulty within a week.

I play mostly FPS games. I could never get the hang of other genres other than puzzles and a bit of racing.

My library of games is like almost all Call of Duty games starting with Call of duty games on original xbox and CoD2 on PC and then xbox 360, Gears of War, Halo2 and 3, Resistance etc. I no longer play on PC except solitaire. I lost touch with keyboard and mouse play. Doom 2!

What game are you playing?
Comments (Page 5)
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on Jan 18, 2008
I'm now playing Final Fantasy X.
on Jan 18, 2008
on Jan 18, 2008
Nethack! 3 ascensions and counting!


on Jan 18, 2008
Unreal Tournament 3 and Crysis...
on Jan 19, 2008
"Playing" Battlefront II, Battlefield 1942, Jedi Academy, Stronghold. "Installed" Gothic 3, Oblivion, The Phantom Menace   , Sim City 2000   (I had a sudden urge for 'retro') Unfortunately, every game I get has to be 'better' than the last one, so I limit my game-choices a bit. Note some guy up there has my favorite games listed: KOTOR 1&2, RepCom, Battlefront, Empire at War etc. Anything by Lucas Arts eventually ends up in my library...and I don't go in for gore, so Lucas Arts is perfect

on Jan 19, 2008
GC2:DA, and a bit of the beta. Eagerly awaiting the release. Turn based strategy goodness.

Nethack! I'm always playing nethack, off and on. Since the 80's if you count its predecessor rogue. Best game ever. Turn based rpg goodness.

Wanted to play the HOMMV expansions, but have a weird prob on vista where it forces me to the lowest graphics setting and I can't abide that when I know how much better the game could look (vanilla HOMMV works fine though, perhaps because I have the Euro version of that). I'll just have to wait to scratch that itch w/Disciples 3 (assuming it works w/vista). Also, I have aow:sm I can go back and play which is a very nice game of a similar type, but I've played it to death, and would rather see the HoMMV expansions that I've never really played. I include it in the list because I merely consider it on hold, if they or nvidia ever fix the prob.

The Witcher. Great game, but unfortunately, this is the one other game I've had problems w/on vista. Works and looks great, but if I try to save a game it crashes. So I can play it fine if I never save my game. I'll wait for some more patches. So this one's on hold.

Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer: Finished the OC last month, now I'm somewhere in the beginning of this expansion. After I finish I might even mod a bit. Will definitely check out some of the user modules.

Titan Quest. Mythos Beta. Hellgate London. These are my workday games for after work when I'm tired and sleepy - too tired and sleepy to play anything that requires too much thinking. hehe. Action RPG's. Blasting things and getting loot is a good way to wind down after work. Used to use MMO's for this, but got kind of sick of them, they're just a grind for the sake of grinding at high levels, at least these games can be finished, and have no monthly fee at that (and they still have internet MP when you want it).

Unreal Tournament 3. My fps for when I need to shoot somebody. Have in my house, but still sitting in their boxes - bioshock, cod4, and the orange box, all of which I might some day actually play. Not allowing myself to buy any more fps's/tps's until I've finished 'em all. Won't uninstall UT3 until UT4 comes out, it'll remain my multiplayer FPS. =>

M2TW+expansion: Love the total war series, a different kind of RTS I can actually enjoy. But unfortunately it really takes a lot of time, and so this game hasn't gotten the attention yet I've been hoping to give it w/working 50hrs/week and playing GC2. Want to play all the campaigns.

Oblivion: I've been playing this since it came out and although it doesn't have the staying power for me that morrowind, bg2, neverwinter nights 2, planescape torment, etc.. had, neither have I uninstalled it. I do go back to it occasionally and make a little progress before heading off into some other game. But the progress is very slow, have yet to finish the main quest, even after all this time.

There are also some books I want to read. (boo, robert jordan died! I want some closure to that story! Also reading sword of truth series, and the song of ice and fire series. Randomly selecting other series to try and find other good ones).

on Feb 04, 2008
Playing with me ..........         
on Feb 04, 2008
Yeah I know. They are from PS1, but I love them.

Reflexive Arcade
Wik And The Fable Of Souls
Mutant Storm

Grand Master Chess
Chicken Shoot
Word Wars
Space Hack

I would love to find a good on-line RPG...but most of the ones I have looked at are very 'complicated' and don't seem 'fun'.
on Feb 04, 2008
Anyoen playing Sins of a Solar Empire.  'tis awesome!
on Mar 19, 2008
I am currently playing CSI: Hard Evidence when I get the chance.

on Mar 19, 2008
Anyoen playing Sins of a Solar Empire. 'tis awesome!

Honestly I've never owned any Stardock games before. Sins looks very good, I just already have COD4 and Crysis. Now those are awesome!

Edit: I also love Reversi (Othello), Risk, and occasionally Chess. Good old fasion board games!
on Apr 25, 2008
Battlefront II, Battlefield 1942, Jedi Academy

Someone actually still plays those?

I play HL2 mods. Tried many, sticking with one. Empires is freaking awesome.

on Apr 25, 2008
call of duty 4 - multiplayer (ps3)
gran turismo 5 prologue
counter-strike 1.6
and soon im playing GTA4 ...
on Apr 25, 2008
I got Assassin's creed, Call of duty 4(online), Crysis, mafia1, fifa08, Rainbow Six:Las vegas2, Guildwars, Enemy territory, Medal oh honor:Airborne, Hitman blood:money, GTA:SA.
on Apr 25, 2008
The original Thief.

What a great, tough-as-nails game.
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