I am not an artist, so I may not be able to post my own creations. I will try though :)
Published on December 10, 2007 By jamespaulp In Community
I just finished Call of Duty 4 on Veteran over the weekend (xbox 360). I have another 120 points remaining but some of them are darn difficult for me. I only got the game the on last Monday. I could not stop playing. It was that fun. Never before I had finished another game on the hardest difficulty within a week.

I play mostly FPS games. I could never get the hang of other genres other than puzzles and a bit of racing.

My library of games is like almost all Call of Duty games starting with Call of duty games on original xbox and CoD2 on PC and then xbox 360, Gears of War, Halo2 and 3, Resistance etc. I no longer play on PC except solitaire. I lost touch with keyboard and mouse play. Doom 2!

What game are you playing?
Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 28, 2007
The game of Life, come on now, someone has to bring all you gamers back to reality. There's a whole big world waiting out there for you to start participating in.         
on Dec 28, 2007

America's Army
Republic Comando
Battle Front I

Cube (yes, I still use it!)-

Super Smash Bros Meley mostly
occassionally Mario Kart DD (It's gettin kinda old though)
ocassionaly LOTR The Third Age
Lego Starwars (Beat both 3 times)

Want a 360, but too much $$$$$$ (for now).
on Dec 28, 2007
I figured consoles are cheaper than just the graphics card needed to play Crysis and such on PC.
on Dec 28, 2007
Just been playing the UT3 demo - brutal!
on Dec 28, 2007
Lord of the Rings: Online (I play with my kids a lot in this game)
Hellgate: London
Mythos (beta)
All Dawn of War installments (with the kids again)
on Dec 29, 2007
All you people that have a 360 or want a 360 what are you thinking?

50 dollars more and you get the best hardware on the market in the PS3.

You do know that the 360 is still having problems with overheating right?

As for me I'll not be getting one.
on Dec 30, 2007
Kona, I have both. But I end up playing games on Xbox 360 because better games are on Xbox 360. PS3 has the best potential and it is more technologically advanced in almost every respect compared to the 360. But there are no good games that are exclusive to PS3, may be except for Ratchet and Clank.

Both my xbox 360 and PS3 gets really hot and makes fan noise. This is the 3rd xbox 360 I have since the launch because of hardware failure but PS3 has no problem. May be because I don't push hard on PS3 as much as I do on xbox 360.
on Dec 30, 2007
XBox 360
Assassin's Creed - man this got boring fast
Call of Duty 4 - I played it on easy, moving thru on vet, but its a killer
Orange Box - Playing Half-life 2 for the first time
- Was doing really good on PORTAL but got stuck on one level that i cant
get thru.
BioShock - Played it all the way thru being a good guy, now trying being bad.

The boy has a Wii but he has been hording it, plan on playing it with some friends tomorrow evening.
on Dec 30, 2007
Add The Withcer to my list ...
on Dec 30, 2007
Currently playing...

Games I got for Christmas but haven't found the time to play...
Unreal Tournament 3
Call of Duty 4
Halo 2
Blacksite: Area51

Funny, the kids buy me PC games for Christmas gifts so they can play them first knowing I have little time to spend playing them myself. I figure I have enough to play and keep me busy until next Christmas.  

on Dec 30, 2007
Call of Duty 4 - I played it on easy, moving thru on vet, but its a killer

It took a whole weekend for me to finish it on vet.
on Dec 30, 2007
Finished Portal and are working on challenge levels. You can't belive what a difference little changes can do...
on Dec 30, 2007
I dl'd the GalCiv II Gold Demo last night and started playing with it...Busy game.
on Jan 17, 2008
jamespaulp - I love Mass Effect. It's a Bioware RPG, what's not to love? My first playthrough was roughly 30hrs. On paythrough #2 I'm aiming for completeness, every submission and extra I can find.

I completed one Mass Effect playthrough few days ago as soldier. It was totally different gaming experience for me. I am on 2nd playthrough as infiltrator. I covered every world in the first playthrough (55 hours). This time around I am trying to cover other achievements.
on Jan 18, 2008
Me... at the moment, silly buggers.

... but when I'm serious, anything from the Myst/Uru series.
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