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Not able to skin Logoff dialog
Published on November 27, 2007 By
SkinStudio Help
I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I am not able to get the logoff dialog skin changed. It always shows the default one. I can change the flag image on the dialog and it works.
To test if this is a problem with my current skin I created a new test skin in Skin Studio 6 (Advanced format) and imported an image from another skin that has it working and still doesn't work.
Shutdown dialog works fine in either case.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a hidden setting that I am missing?
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on Nov 27, 2007
Is this the per pixel logoff dialog, or the standard one?
Or have you made both?
on Nov 27, 2007
First I tried just the standard and then added the per pixel. It did not work in either case.
I tried the same image for shutdown dialog with same settings and it gets picked up correctly. Skin Studio shows the imported image correctly. But after applying the theme and click on the logoff button, it does not show my image.
I tried
- delete the theme and applied again.
- logged off and login and apply again.
- restart the computer and apply again.
- apply the theme and restart the computer.
None of this seem to resolve the issue (tried these thinking that it may be a cache)
on Nov 27, 2007
Got it to working using SK6 by manipulating some settings.
I used only standard section to fix this, deleted the per pixel section.
- used the same background image (.bmp) for both shutdown and logoff background.
- For logoff I specified
- PreMultipliedAlpha=0
- HideText=1
- Trans=1
- PerPixel=1
- For Shutdown specified none of them.
It is the same image!
Now you know why I call my first skin "gimmick"
on Nov 30, 2007
This seems to be a bug in WB6.
I applied an skin that did not have a perpixel image for logoff dialog and the original XP logoff dialog appeared! I checked the code in my skin modified by SK6 and it is under perpixel. That explains how it started working. Not what I said in the previous post
It appears that WB6 ignores the standard logoff dialog image even if that is the only image setup in the skin.
on Dec 29, 2007
I think something changed with WB6. Previously, when using a Logoff button with magic pink trans, WB would use the standard dialog background image to "fill" the transparent area, even if a perpixel background image was being used & displayed. I got around this by using the same image for both standard & perpixel backgrounds and the buttons would display correctly with WB5, picking up the backgound from the standard image.
It appears that it no longer pulls from that background to fill the transparent area of the Logoff buttons. I've been able to "solve" this by using an entirely opaque button image which duplicates the area of the background image covered by the button.
on Feb 16, 2008
I need help with this!
I cant skin the logoff dialog! tried everything. It shows the correct images in SKS 6 and 5. But dont skin them also perpixel wont show at all.
What would the steps be with a fresh skin what images do i apply and what settings.
Please do a step by step short tutorial, So i can enter Blackbird into the skinning contest
I tried to do what you Jamespaulp said but its a no go! Only my shutoff dialog displays this way. Or i have missed something!
Please remember im a newb still and Blackbird is my first so take it slow
Mainly using SKS 6 latest Free release, Do have SKS 5 free also so i can get to the code if needed.
Per pixel please wait screen works great!
Can get the shutdown dialog to skin but no trans or perpixel.
Even if i click in dont show text it still shows.
Flag skins.
Using WB 6.
All help and suggestions tips etc welcome!
on Feb 16, 2008
If you could zip up the skin & send it, I'd be glad to take a look at it. Might be easier and more specific.
on Feb 16, 2008
Just a thought....
Are you guys putting the trans and perpixel code in for the per pixel shutdown and logoff screens? If you don't do that, they will not show. I am still usining SKS 5 to build the blinds, but am running WB6, and my logoffs work fine.
on Feb 16, 2008
voidcore, looks like you have hit at least 2 issues I had
1. titlebar not displayed inside WB configuration.
2. Logoff dialog not using images you provided.
For the problem #1, I have been told that WB config uses title bar from standard windowframe. In your blind blackbird that I downloaded, the titlebar image for standard frame is a .TGA file. That was the exact same mistake I made. It must be a .BMP image.
For problem #2, I have my blind using only per pixel images in both logoff and shutdown and nothing else. I checked blackbird but the images were not updated from default, so I assume you are working on them after uploading the blind.
on Feb 16, 2008
I skin both the regular and the per pixel shutdown/logoff screens. I use basically the same image for all of the them, but make the image for the regular a bmp, and the image for the per pixel a png...skin studio converts it to tga. And, again, you have to put the code in for the per pixel screens, or they won't show.
on Feb 16, 2008
I am thinking that WB6 may not be using the regular bmp for logoff dialog. I don't add code myself. When I import the image and set the margins, SKS5/6 adds the code for me.
on Feb 16, 2008
James, the code I am referring to is the lines you have to add in the code tab for the per pixel shutdown and logoff screens...at least in SKS 5 you do. They are: Trans=1 and PerPixel=1. You don't have to do that for the wait screen though...it is already there.
I.R. Brainiac
on Feb 16, 2008
shutdown and logoff images(4 alltogether)
2 bitmaps(no transparent parts),2 tga's(translucent as you want)...code section(code view) for the tga's must have PerPixel=1...you dont even need Trans=1
Hit file,save...then apply the skin.(IF YOU DONT HIT SAVE...you may see no difference)
on Feb 16, 2008
you dont even need Trans=1
In fact if u use that.. it wont work correctly at all.
I.R. Brainiac
on Feb 16, 2008
Also...if the NAME of the image file is too long...they will NOT show...check and rename if needed.
Limit is either 40 0r 60 characters,I forget.
That includes the skin name...lke this...SliderShutdownDialog.BackgroundPerPixelImage.tga
If that were too long(its not)...right click and rename the last bit before.tga a bit shorter.
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